over 4 years ago, Dave Lewis
P-EBT information flyer
Rochelle ISD wants to let all parents know that the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) will begin in June. This is a one-time food benefit for families who lost access to free or reduced-price meals due to school closures. We will further information after June 1. For more inofrmation contact Dave Lewis at 325-234-5224 or email dlewis@rochelleisd.net
over 4 years ago, Dave Lewis
Rochelle ISD scholarship applications for prior students (exes scholarship) application deadline is June 1 by 5:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Dave Lewis
Ms. Gutierrez (our fifth grade teacher this year) shared this video with us: https://youtu.be/fAE1zdlGp3M.
over 4 years ago, Matt Fields
Balfour will come to Rochelle on May 28th at 1PM to size students that earned a letter jacket this year. Balfour has asked that, if possible, parents be present. They have also asked for you to please bring the packet if you still have it.
almost 5 years ago, Matt Fields
We received word this morning that the new Rochelle ISD App should be available on the App Store and Google Play early next week. Our new website should go live this Friday too. Follow us on twitter: @chooserochelle and our instagram: chooserochelle.
almost 5 years ago, Matt Fields
When we learned we were going to quickly transition to virtual instruction, we leaned on West Central Wireless to help us overcome connection hurdles. They have been so supportive of us during this time - thank you @WCWHomeTeam
almost 5 years ago, Matt Fields
West Central Wireless and Rochelle ISD
Rochelle ISD released graduation photos today. Check them out on our facebook page @chooserochelle. Thank you Sheena Nalley for taking photos of our ceremonies!
almost 5 years ago, Matt Fields
Seniors 2020
Board training
almost 5 years ago, Dave Lewis
Board in cyber training